"The White Sheik"
Directed by: Federico Fellini
This post is the first in a series of posts dedicated to Federico Fellini. In my opinion, Fellini is one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, and is certainly the greatest to come out of Italy. He has directed masterpieces such as, "La Strada","La Dolce Vita", and "8 1/2" along with other timeless films. I first came across Federico Fellini while watching Woody Allen films. Woody referenced Fellini in most of his movies. I wanted to find out what the big deal about this guy was. I rented "La Strada" and was completely blown away by what I saw. Within a month I had viewed most of his films, and enjoy continued viewings. I decided I would love to review the films of one of the greatest filmmakers ever. I will be reviewing five or six Fellini films over the next few posts, beginning with his first solo project, "The White Sheik."
This was one of only a few Fellini films that I had never seen. This film was released in 1951 to not so great reviews. The plot of the film is about the comedic trials of a newlywed couple on their honeymoon. The husband plans a honeymoon for his wife in Rome with an itinerary that includes meeting up with his family to visit the pope. Right off the bat we notice that the bride is not at all interested in the honeymoon, but someone else, "The White Sheik." Sheik is a fictional comic book character that local filmmakers are making a movie about. She considers the character her prince charming. She sneaks away to visit the movie set and maybe a visit with her "White Sheik." It becomes an adventure for her. Meanwhile the husband begins a hilarious quest to find his wife. The story is unraveled in a heartwarming and satisfying conclusion.

After the husband realizes his wife is missing, he frantically searches the hotel. While checking the lobby, he notices that his family is in the seating area to meet him and his new wife. When his family begins asking him about his wife, sweating begins, and he struggles to think of an excuse of why his wife is not with him. This scene just made me laugh so hard because it is full of awkwardness.
I recommend this film to everyone. Just remember that it is in Italian, so I hope that you won't mind subtitles.
"The White Sheik"
4 out of 4 stars